# Is Automation Making Pain Antidotes More Or Less Sophisticated? *What exactly is one truly unmatched thing regarding the top __Pain Antidotes__ organisations that makes them surpass the competition?* In pain conditions where there is an underlying disease, pain acts as a warning sign. Once the disease is cured or the injury heals, however, the pain goes away. Sometimes we repress pain successfully. We don't feel it, or we feel it as tension, though the pain is there, along with our resistance to it, taking a toll. Reiki is an energy therapy that is part of a spiritual practice. It is also commonly called hands-on healing. It involves using the hands to transfer energy to promote healing and relieve pain. Everything matters: how we feel and think can affect how much pain we experience. If your pain is coupled with the loss of bladder or bowel control, you need urgent medical attention. Your nerves might be compressing on the spine and affecting your organs. Several recent surveys point to around 1 in 7 of the UK population having chronic pain. Add to this those actually “affected” by chronic pain then the ratio changes to 1 in 4. ![Pain Antidotes](https://prohealthclinic.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/growth-factor-1024x1024.jpg) All pain we feel is affected by how we are feeling generally, our past experience of pain and any concerns we have about the cause of the pain. If we are worried and distressed about how pain may affect us in the future, our pain will feel worse. Psychogenic pain most often has a physical origin either in tissue damage or nerve damage, but the pain caused by that damage is increased or prolonged by such factors as fear, depression, stress, or anxiety. Three major sources of physical pain for seniors are joint pain, muscle strains and trauma from falls and broken bones. We become more susceptible to these as we age because the risk of certain chronic conditions rises over time. At some stage you may find it helpful to complete a ‘pain diary’ or ‘pain log’. It’s helpful to complete each record for about a week. The pain log might be just for your own personal interest or perhaps to show to your doctor/therapist/family/friends to help them understand how your pain affects you. Living with pain isn't always necessary when treatments such as [PRP Treatment](https://prohealthclinic.co.uk/treatments/prp-injection-therapy-platelet-rich-plasma/) are available. ## Make Time For Relaxation Some people find it useful to get help from a counsellor, psychologist or hypnotherapist to discover how to deal with their emotions in relation to their pain. Innovative new treatments are also providing some hope to people with intractable pain. Neurostimulation, for example, uses electricity to change the way your brain perceives pain. There are two types of pain: acute and chronic. Acute pain usually comes on suddenly, because of a disease, injury, or inflammation. It can often be diagnosed and treated. It usually goes away, though sometimes it can turn into chronic pain. Chronic pain lasts for a long time, and can cause severe problems. Unfortunately, nothing has been proven to prevent chronic pain in general. You may be able to prevent certain conditions that lead to chronic pain. Muscle tension can occur in the back, neck, head, abdomen, pelvis, or almost anywhere in the body. The pain can be constant or occasional, it can be mild or severe, and it can feel like an ache, a numbness, or a shooting pain. Healthcare providers recommend holistic treatments such as [Prolotherapy UK](https://prohealthclinic.co.uk/treatments/prolotherapy/) as an alternative to traditional painkillers. Living with persistent pain can be stressful and can affect people in lots of different ways. Managing at home, work duties and dealing with friends and family can be difficult. People often feel they have no control over the pain and are unable to cope with it. Ask questions, learn, be proactive. Not all healthcare professionals understand pain and it’s ok to look for those that do. Specialist pain management services may be available. As strange as it may sound, chronic pain can enrich lives. It can make you reevaluate what you care about, shift priorities, and move in exciting new directions that you may never have considered before. Sometimes a pain cycle is started by an injury, such as a strain, a sprain, or a fracture. You might feel pain in a specific part of your body, or it could feel like it's everywhere. The pain can be there all the time, or it can come and go. Sometimes you might feel more sensitive to pain, and sometimes it can flare up – meaning it can become very bad – or get worse quickly and unexpectedly. General practitioners have recommended [PRP Injection](https://prohealthclinic.co.uk/treatments/prp-injection-therapy-platelet-rich-plasma) as a treatment for chronic pain. ## Therapeutic Touch The pain you experience may be an ache, a sharp stabbing, or a throbbing. It could come and go, or it could be constant. You may feel the pain worsen when you move or laugh. Sometimes, breathing deeply can intensify it. Only go to bed if the pain is so severe that you just can’t stay up.Bed rest tends to weaken muscle strength, your pain may be more likely to flare up again faster when you get up again. If you do decide to go to bed for a short while, try some gentle stretching exercises whilst lying in bed. Even wiggling toes and fingers will help a little. The goal of prolotherapy is to inject an irritant into the joint, which temporarily increases inflammation. This inflammatory response increases blood flow and stimulates new growth and healing in the damaged tissues. Pain is a highly personal experience. An injection technique, widely used by specialists in anesthesiology, is to block with a local anesthetic nerves that are thought to be transmitting pain signals to the brain. This is reasonable regardless of the cause of the pain but it does not solve the underlying problem. Research shows that [Prolotherapy](https://prohealthclinic.co.uk/treatments/prolotherapy) helps to alleviate pain in sufferers. A common misconception is that chronic pain is the same as acute pain, except that chronic pain lasts longer. But there are many differences between acute and chronic pain. Pain is an uncomfortable feeling that tells you something may be wrong. It can be steady, throbbing, stabbing, aching, pinching, or described in many other ways. Sometimes, it’s just a nuisance, like a mild headache. Other times it can be debilitating. A question that can be asked is whether pain signals the presence of a stimulus or whether it signals the stage reached in a sequence of possible actions. One can unearth more particulars about Pain Antidotes at this [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolotherapy) entry. ## Related Articles: [Supplementary Insight About Pain Eradication Systems](https://hedgedoc.eclair.ec-lyon.fr/s/PBt8ZWwPX#) [Supplementary Insight About Pain Eradication Systems](https://www.hoaxbuster.com/redacteur/prolotherapy) [Additional Insight On Pain Relief](https://bootstrapbay.com/user/prolotherapy) [Background Findings About Pain Support Gateways](https://md.yeswiki.net/s/LZ3lGwZ2g#) [Extra Information On Ways Out of Pain](https://pad.stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de/s/FMInB16rQ#) [Further Findings About Pain Support Gateways](https://md.entropia.de/s/NyoWgKIYS#) [Further Findings With Regard To Pain Relief Recommendations](https://doc.adminforge.de/s/N-t2b3_CG#)